Invest In African Rural Economy – Organization Call on African Union Commission
Queen Kunde Enoch
The CEO of Paradigm Communication’s Company Ltd Nigeria Mr Raymond Nyayiti Enoch, have called on the African Union Commission to invest in the African Rural Economy Infrastructure in order guarantee better livelihood and sustainable income generation for African rural dwellers.
Mr Raymond made this call in Jalingo Taraba State North East Nigeria.

Mr Raymond said that concentration of public expenditure spending and investments in African administrative headquarters since independence has made rural economies depleted and strained livelihood for Africans.
According to him ” Today African Rural Communities are no longer attractive to young people who see city centres as relaxation hubs and places to find employment, adding that ” instead of putting African Rural Communities first , governments in Africa have has not developed and operationalized rural economies that is capable of meeting their own needs” . Rather he said, the absence of sound rural areas like road network, basic life support and income generation facilities is responsible for the conflicts we see in Africa Rural areas today”
Mr Enoch who said African Rural Communities used to be where elites return to from the cities and Europe and feel attached to their roots and culture with all sense of pride. He lamented the insensitivity to lack of development at the African communities and said that it’s high times such attitude be change.
Mr Raymond Enoch called on Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) and the African Head of States and Government through the African Union Commission AUC to consider harnessing the resilient and innovative capacities of African Communities going on at different places and level and channel them to productive ventures in Africa in order to turn fortunes for rural dwellers